Sharks Have A Crap Life

Let’s have a show of hands: who here is afraid of sharks? Now, who is afraid FOR sharks? Uh huh, cool…OK, who here is wondering why I’m telling people I can’t see to raise their hands? Excellent question.




For those of you afraid of sharks, I understand. They’re big and scary and carnivorous and they’re real shitty at telling the difference between fat seals and skinny guys on surfboards. So a strong respect for the shear carnage they can wreak upon your person is good, healthy, even. But trust me, when it comes to human-shark relations, sharks deserve much more concern for THEIR well being than you do for yours. Hell, they deserve more concern in general.

Sharks have a crap time of it from day 1. I don’t mean from the minute of they’re out of mama, I mean the moment they’ve developed enough inside mama to wriggle around. Because if they have any siblings in there, the fight for survival has BEGUN. Sand tiger and mackerel shark pups have been known to eat one another WHILE STILL IN THE WOMB. How metal can you get? They’ll even eat unfertilized eggs until only the strongest pups remain (the uterus is divided or there would be only one). Cue sick guitar solo.

Although this just occurs in viviparous (live-bearing) and ovoviparous (eggs hatch in the uterus), oviparous sharks have it rough too. Their little egg cases are just left behind, abandoned in the sand or reef to hatch alone…


Cue sad violin.

However! At least when they hatch it’s not a race to escape mama. Shark parturition (birth) actually induces feelings of satiety in mama so that she’s not tempted to eat her pups. Not like they’ll stick around to test that.

If you want still more reasons to feel for the sharks, consider our interactions with them. In China, shark fin soup is a delicacy (despite the fin being mostly cartilage) and fisherman will catch sharks just to cut off the dorsal fin and leave the shark to die. Now, I am no vegetarian, but I believe that if you’re going to eat an animal, it’s life should not be so miserable that death is a mercy (see treatment of veal calves, if you can) and the method in which the animal is killed should be quick and relatively painless. Not to mention the rest of the shark is edible too. Not that we should be eating sharks anyway, because between our weird eating habits and shark-killing freakouts every time one wanders near a tourist site, there are many threatened and endangered shark species. Shark attacks are terrible, but more people are mauled by dogs and killed by cows each year than are attacked by sharks. That’s right, cows are the real Public Enemy Number One. Sharks are just more exciting and gruesome so they make the news. No one wants their family to be The Guy That Got Killed By a Cow Last Yeat; they hush that shit right up.

There are plenty of resources out there for avoiding shark encounters. Beach signs, defense tips, checklists shark threat level (Murky water? Fishing nearby? Maybe read on the sand today)…some beaches even have Twitter feeds for alerting beach-goers of shark sightings. It’s OK to be cautious, but when you’re feeling scared and wish they’d all just disappear, remember: sharks have a crap life.

So don’t hate a shark, hug a shark!

But like, one of the little ones, maybe a dogfish.

Cause let’s not tempt fate here, people.

Also those guys are pretty damn cute.


If you don’t think this is cute, then we’re not friends.


Frances, Peter and Angeles Gavira Guerrero. 2008. Ocean: The World’s Last Wilderness Revealed. 1st American ed. New York. DK Publishing

Greven, H. 2000. “Viviparous Sharks.” Shark Info. Jan 3 2014 <>

Photo Credit

Franco Banfi/Barcroft Media, Matthew Oxley and Doug Perrine.

No Such Thing As Islands

They say, “No man is an island”, but really, NOTHING is an island. An island isn’t even an island (Take that, They). You can’t go a day without interacting with another organism, whether you like it or not. I mean, I guess if you found a totally sterile room and killed all your body’s natural microbiota, but that’s cost-prohibitive and a little pointless. Even though there are plenty of harmful organism interactions, like petitioning and workplace pen-stealing, there are many beneficial interactions as well as a few…questionable ones.

Predation is one interaction that comes most readily to mind. One organism consumes another, to the predator’s advantage and the prey’s disadvantage. Another reason not to live in the crazy sterile room: you would also get hungry without so much as a plant organism to eat. Yes, herbivores do predate in a sense. But herbivory does not necessitate eating an entire organism; most just eat part. For instance, a cow will only eat the blades (leaves) of grass, not the roots. So the plant lives, battered and torn, but alive. Truly, cows are the cruelest of creatures.



Similar to predation, parasitism involves one organism benefitting from the interaction to the other’s detriment. However in this instance, the parasite may not directly consume its host and definitely does not want to kill its host (at least not before it can reproduce). It’s like That One Housemate you had in college. They’re way too loud way too late at night, they eat your snacks and give away the endings to your video games, they ruin your shit and are always (ALWAYS) two days late with rent, but they do the dishes and keep the bathroom clean so you don’t kick them out even though they’re slowly draining your life away. You’ll crack in the middle of your Intro to Econ midterm, but by that time The Housemate will have moved on the a new host. Unlike an actual parasite, they will probably not have reproduced prior to this. Probably.

Check the basement.


(More interactions tomorrow)



Yancey, Paul. “Biotic Factors.” Marine Biology. Whitman College. Walla Walla, WA. 5 4 2011. Lecture.

Photo credit me.

My One, My Only, My Cheese


Today I’d like to tell you all about the love of my life, the one that will stay by my side through thick and thin, good times and bad: cheese. I could never go vegan because after a week of no cheese I’d snap like a cracker and eat until I choked. Or I’d shank somebody in the check-out line for their cheddar. Me and cheese are tight. So how is this relevant to biology? Well! Gather ‘round children and I shall tell you a story…

Consider cheesemaking as a process of “controlled spoilage” (Jenkins, 1996) of milk. Acids like vinegar or lemon juice are added to lower pH and digest the milk sugar, lactose, into lactic acid. However, bacteria of genus Streptococcus and Lactobacillus are used much more often. Rennet, an enzyme complex that causes casein (a milk protein) to clump, is then added to curd the milk. Rennet is derived from bacteria occurring in animal stomachs and, depending on the pickiness of the cheesemaker, may match the milk to the rennet (cow milk with calf rennet, goat milk with kid rennet, etc). However, this is not totally necessary or noticeable (outside flavor nuances) considering that vegetable rennet and genetically modified (GM) rennet are now readily available. Bacteria in vegetables produce a very similar enzyme complex to that in animals, while the GM rennet is derived from lab grown bacteria of the same type as those found in animal stomachs (GMOs aren’t so bad after all, eh?). Once the rennet has been added, the curdling milk is allowed to chill for a while at a set temperature (depending on the cheese, softer cheeses get lower temps and harder cheeses get higher temps).

Now for curding. Curding is whereby the cheese texture is established and involves draining the whey and cutting the curd (cheddaring). The more you cut it the denser the ultimate texture. Following is a process of cooking that fuses the cut curds. Blue cheese does not get cooked at this point and instead gets a dose of fungi of the Penicillium genus to give them their blue veins. Next the curd is salted, there are different methods, but the intention is to slow the bacteria down enough to allow for aging. Cheeses that aren’t aged long do not need as much salting as those that are, like those hard, wild, 9 month goudas that taste like whiskey and butterscotch. Mmmmmm…Ahem. Before aging, cheese will be further drained of whey and perhaps pressed into a mold. Soft cheeses like mozzarella and goat cheese do not get aged, but others, may sit for many months as the bacteria are allowed to continue digesting the milk proteins and fats. Temperature and treatment will vary to produce certain flavors. Brie are treated with Penicillium to give them a nice bloomy rind. I think the rinds taste like burning and gross, but they protect the cheese from bad bacteria and mold so I have learned to love the rind from a safe distance.

If you’ll excuse me, this all has gotten me hungry for some dense, bacterially spoiled milk and crackers.


Fertman, Will. 2010. “Microbe Managing-The Lifesaving Potential of Cheese Bacteria”. Culture. 5 Feb 2013, <>

Jenkins, Steven. 1996. Cheese Primer. Workman Publishing Company, Inc., New York.

Photo credit me, calf credit the organic, raw milk dairy in Sequim I took it at.