Political (Single-Celled) Animals

Time to talk politics. Not Dems vs. Reps or left vs. right, up vs. down, etc. I’m talking the politics of science, specifically medicine. Although the scene is changing, there have been (and still are) strong inclinations to believe Western scientific/medical practices are the end-all-be-all and everything else is foreign bunk. However, studies and reviews are few and far between actually confirming or denying the actual bunk-itude of non-Western/”traditional” medical practices. But again, this is changing; the World Health Organization now has a list of ailments treatable with acupuncture and other various Eastern therapies are becoming more popular in conjunction with Western ones. This brings me to what I really want to talk about: bacteriophage therapy.

Bacteriophage are viruses that target bacteria, hijacking bacterial genetic machinery in order to replicate themselves. Phage may be lytic or lysogenic. Lytic phage will get to work right quick replicating before making the bacteria literally explode with baby viruses. Cute. Lysogenic phage on the other hand are patient. They hide viral DNA or RNA (viruses may have either) in the bacterial genome until the time is right. Then the bacteria explodes. Furthermore, phage are species specific, so one kind of virus will only attack one kind of bacteria. Beginning to see the possibilities? Human bacterial pathogens don’t stand a chance. And unlike antibiotics, phage will evolve alongside their prey, making them virtually immune to the resistances plaguing modern medicine. So why aren’t we all taking bacteriophage instead of antibiotics? Researched off and on since the latter 1800s, phage were even produced commercially to fight bacterial infections. But challenges were made to the efficacy of phage therapy and antibiotics quickly became much more popular so phage were largely forgotten. In the West, anyway, in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, bacteriophage therapy use and research persisted, displaying success in combating multi-drug resistant bacteria with phage. It’s like a miracle cure, but politics prevented phage from staging a comeback in the West. Despite the mounting evidence in support of phage therapy, the reports were all in Georgian, or Polish to a lesser extent (the leading institute in this field since the 1920’s is in Georgia, the one in Poland popped up in the 1950’s). Not terribly popular languages outside Eastern Europe even today. When some papers were eventually produced in English, the writer apparently never spoke to the scientists or even had a basic knowledge of medicine because it claimed (among other things) that the phage were useful against allergies, besides mixing up which phage were to be used on which infections. The Western scientists were not impressed. Even if the English papers were accurate, the most research came from “damn, dirty Commies” so it never really had a chance. UNTIL NOW.


Damn, dirty Commie phage, curing all our shit.

OK, not really “NOW” now, but “now” twenty-some years ago. In the ‘80s phage research experienced a revival in Great Britain at the hands of William Smith. Since then papers have been piling up in support of phage therapy and its superiority over antibiotics. However, more rigorous studies need to be conducted to further understand its efficacy, so it will be a while before you can use a virus on your E. coli infection. Still, when the headlines of multi-drug resistant bacteria loom, remember that for every superbug there’s a superflyswatter.

It just needs to go through clinical trials.



Sulakvelidze, Alexander, Zephira Alavidze and J. Glenn Morris, Jr. 2001. “Bacteriophage Therapy”. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy. 45(3): 649-659.

Photo credit Dennehy Lab, Queens College: http://dennehylab.bio.qc.cuny.edu/

Pathogen Time Part 2

Continuing from where I left off yesterday…Once upon a time there was my brother. My brother lived in a large closet for a year in college because, well, COLLEGE. Also, broke. At some point he got sick (like ya do when you’re on a trimester system and taking exams every few weeks), then he got sicker and then a doctor took a chest X-ray. Apparently my brother’s lungs had taken to raising fungi for fun and profit. Except it wasn’t fun and the doctor cost money. This was also when we found out about the discovery of black mold in his house. Yaaaay…Anyway, the story ends happily because whatever had set up camp in my brother was not actually black mold and eventually went away. How did this happen in the first place? Well, if bacteria are zombies and viruses are spies, fungi are aliens. Pathogenic fungi are like aliens conducting a disorganized and under-planned invasion of your body; like Superman’s parents, they want to send their little babies/spores off in escape pods to grow somewhere safe (and damp and warm and probably rotting). Except instead of a farm or even a nice rotting log, their kids end up in fungi equivalent of a space beast. Unfortunately for the space beast (you), lungs and other soft, damp tissues can grow fungi pretty well. Tissues like your eyes, sinuses, bones, lining of the heart and brain. I know, right? BRAIN MOLD. Even a common mold like Cladosporidium can really ruin your shit. Our bodies can reject spores and other foreign particles with coughing and sneezing, but the immune system can do a pretty good job of kicking the confused aliens out. Failing that, anti-fungals are a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Prions, I don’t even know what kind of video game prions would work in. They. Are. Nasty. Shit. For a while, believing in prions was like being That Guy in the medical community. You know, the one whispering conspiracy theories in the break room about how anesthesia had tracking chips in it and scrubs were a symbol of The Man. Because prions are only proteins, similar to ones you already possess yet capable of knocking other cerebral proteins completely off kilter, it seemed ludicrous to suggest a “protein infection” would cause loss of motor skills, dementia, convulsions and death. No DNA as in viruses, nothing. Thankfully, researchers Tikvah Alper and John Stanley Griffith did not mind being Those Guys for a while until support mounted for their hypothesis on the infectious agents of scrapie (a sheep disease) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (human mad cow disease). There is no cure, but mind you have to try a bit to catch a prion. They live in nervous tissue and transmit orally, but since the discovery of mad cow, the butchering and feeding of beef cattle has been carefully regulated to prevent further outbreak. Also, if you’re reading this, you’re probably not a sheep (or at least you’re a very talented sheep) so scrapie is out, and you’re most likely not a cannibal, so kuru is out too. Fun fact: in the post-apocalyptic movie Book of Eli, the main characters can indentify cannibals because they’ve got “the shakes”, meaning that they have kuru from eating too many people and not being picky about nervous tissue. Anyway, I thought that was a cool detail.

Oh, I didn’t include parasites? Well now, maybe I’ve got something planned. Y’all will just have to see.




-. 2010. GRE Subject Test: Biology 5th Ed. Kaplan, New York.

-. 2012. “Other Pathogenic Fungi”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 13 Feb 2013. <http://www.cdc.gov/fungal/other/&gt;

Pathogen Time or, BOOM Headshot

I was going to write about cell organelles, but I DO WHAT I WANT, so it’s really Pathogen Time. Plus, this nicely mirrors Video Game You (see: https://dailyscienceblog.wordpress.com/tag/john-mayer/ ), “know thy enemy” and all that. The big bosses are bacteria, viruses, fungi and prions.

Fighting a bacterial infection is basically the same as fighting zombies. They eat everything you love  (brains/nutrients), they’re dumb and gross and there are a shit ton of them. Thankfully, a headshot (with bullets, machete or antibodies) usually does the trick. Also, for common infections, you just need time to cut through the teeming horde. Less common ones require multiplayer mode/drugs. Although out-competing you for resources is the bacteria’s main mode of attack, they may also release toxins or invade your cells. Bacteria can also form “plaques”, consisting of bacteria and nutrients they are growing on/around. These can do a LOT of damage if left unchecked; the plaque on your teeth needs to be brushed off/scraped off with that God awful metal hook by the dentist or the bacteria will destroy your teeth. Do not let them destroy your teeth. A win for bacteria is a win for zombies.

Viruses on the other hand, while not technically living, are much more sophisticated than the single-cellular zombies on your teeth. The reason why they’re not technically living is because they cannot self-maintain, reproduce or metabolize on their own. For that, they use YOU. Yup, viruses are mad spies that hijack your cells into aiding their heinous schemes. Those schemes being replication of viral DNA and synthesis of viral capsids (think capsule) for the TOTAL TAKEOVER OF YOUR BODY. Remember that chickenpox you had? It planted its DNA in your cells, waiting until you’re old to hit you with shingles. Or not, viruses get senile too. Lucky for us, cytotoxic T-Cells are always up for playing a round of spy vs. spy.

Despite what you may think, fungi are not such fungis (GET IT GET IT). Just ask my brother about the crap that grew in his lungs when he lived in a glorified closet for a year. But I will tell you more about that tomorrow.





-. 2010. GRE Subject Test: Biology 5th Ed. Kaplan, New York.

Wassenaar, T. M. 2009. “Pathogenic Bacteria: Bacterial Pathogenicity”. Virtual Museum of Bacteria. 12 Feb, 2013. <http://bacteriamuseum.org/cms/Pathogenic-Bacteria/bacterial-pathogenicity.html&gt;